and on the next episode of - the equivocating nature of Donkeys.


 Humility: To remember that one’s ignorance is far greater than one’s knowledge. To give praise to those who earn it.

the contradiction of your suppose

and there you sit.
secure in your comfortable.
doors locked. 
security cameras engaged.
watching the chaos of a world gone mad -

conveniently removed.
i read the words you post on boards of want to be heard. 
suspiciously demonstrative.
monologues to "enlighten" the masses.
your truth the only truth.
your right,
the only right.
fascinated -
i scroll the pages of your was. 
embark upon a journey into the labyrinth of your past. 
surely - 
given the zeal of your current foray into solidarity - 
there will be evidence of accommodation - 
desegregated collaborations of intent -
camaraderie by conviction. 

why is it my search in vain?
how can there be such animosity for disobedience to comply?
is it possible the pledge of allegiance you etch - 
merely graffiti on walls of presume? 

transparent now - 
proclamations of protest. 
sad postulations of authority over courtrooms of contradiction.

some things more important than become...


standing too close to the edge: dying embers of matter...