for i carry you in my heart...

"funny, i always thought i was the one placed so appropriately apparent in the lives of those in need. it seems my life's mission has been to coral the lost and provide shelter to those facing the storm. how was i ever so blind to not realize that perhaps they were placed in my life to show me how to be found..."


that which you are -
intrigues me -
the depth of your eyes,
a vortex that pulls me in -
the warmth of your smile enlightens me...

wherever i go -
you go -
for i carry you in my heart.

irreplaceable as light -
delight more grand than sound
to one who cannot hear -
i keep you near,
cornerstone of every dream...

more than - just enough,
intrusive as - is -
merely hearing your voice throws chaos to the wind -
and when we touch -
my entire existence bends!

you are the air -
mere breath i long to breathe!

the process of becoming...


illegitimate dictators in courtrooms of presume...