if your absence doesn't bother them...

 to those that act as if they know. the better-thans. far removed from option of compromise. i have to wonder if at that particular time in their lives when they encounter obstacles of passive resistance, do they understand the reason for/lesson to be learned? i cannot speak to life lived pandering with sensibility. that road much too easily traveled. oh so many sheep. and while even sheep develop admiration for their shepherd, the legions of disengaged fall victim to sargeants of disregard. 

what will you do, now - remanded to the custody of alone? i fear your words will linger only for a moment and be gone. 

all the stone of could have been chiseled ceremoniously into monuments to refrain. 

words you could have said,

scattered by the wind,

lost in the darkness of your bitter discontent...


from countries of despair

some would say of themselves.
slightly bent. 

either way - 
admission of irregularity. 
and while some may disrespect the autonomy of deviation, 
their denigration clearly defines the defect of their own design. 

i once shared companion with others lost in the darkness. 
as hard as we tried, 
it seemed there was no option of escape. 
imagine the freedom - 
stumbling into the light!

tonight - 
while graciously aware of my blessing - 
i find myself traveling dangerously close to the shadows. 
perhaps my journey realigned - 
not to derail my diligence - 
delivery from countries of indiscretion,
but champion to the disengaged - 
option of allegiance - 
soldier of compassion in the battle against the demons of despair...


standing too close to the edge: inasmuch as - God!


standing too close to the edge: on finding myself alive...