upon the shore of my expectation...

some days are made to just survive.
no need to seek shelter under paper umbrellas.
no reason to rush head first into the storm.
more sensible to merely seek solace inside.
if not tomorrow, one day soon the sun will return.
there has never been a storm that lasted forever.
even the rushing waters of floods dissipate over time.
and there,
safely moored upon the shore -
footings of faith.
testament to survival.
tree of life with roots deeper than comprehension -
arms fervent in their appeal to touch the sun...

                                                    on a visit to the shore...

 sometimes i visit the shore,
 where my will crashes into my was.
 i  suppose the possibility exists that you just don't understand that concept, 
 or perhaps haven't found desire to travel to that particular destination.

 with the same amount of abandon you choose to deflect; i crave.
 the anticipation more impacting than any supposed drug of choice.

 i watch your eyes as i speak to my conviction. pay close attention to the subtlety of your distance.
 i wonder how it feels to understand boundaries.
 i desperately try to wrap my head around the acceptability of is; 
 my insatiable; never satisfied -
 always picking at the scab of could have been -
 often, drowning in the sea of if...

today i stood - knee deep in the waves - gazing into the setting sun. 
i imagined the sound - unavoidable hiss, as it kissed the relentless sea. 
in that moment - i understood peace.

today i, stood. 
and as the waves pounded against my defense, 
i felt the burden of can't slip away.

I will admit, in that instant, a shiver of fear found refuge;
attached itself to the sinking buoy of doubt. 
remarkable - 
however -
the deep;
accepting the refuse of regret - returning the surface, still.

today, i stood.
and instead of looking away - 
ashamed of my suppose -
i gazed with wonder past the sea of refrain,
reached out,
unafraid -
embraced the very essence of can.

today i visited the shore,
and found,

illegitimate dictators in courtrooms of presume...


Revelation (17:4) of disgrace - insensible Donkeys, and Patriots fueled by Grapes of Wrath...